Wife to best friend Pastor Erich Wimberly of the College Station House of Prayer and mama to two precious children, my life is a full one! My debut EP comes from a lifetime of singing and creating my own songs beginning with my Fisher Price tape recorder and fifteen years of worship leading. These songs reflect a banner I want to wave all the days of my life. 'The Lord is good! Our God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love!' I hope these songs are a fresh reminder of who God is and His nature. May these songs exude the hope, joy, and life found in worshiping and knowing the one true living God. The album 'Declaring Your Name' is just the beginning!
I would love to share the joy in song-writing and album production with your children! In partnership with Dean Davis and the Songwriting Studio, fellow musicians, and the Matchstick Project, we hope to create an album featuring original songs written and sung by children from the Brazos Valley. Consider joining the song! Click Here!